April 2024


All According to Plan

April 1, 2024
Exact measurements go a long way
Roads Report

This is Kids’ Stuff

April 1, 2024
Sometimes thinking like a child can solve grown-up problems
Highway Construction

Digital Delivery Tackles Congestion

April 1, 2024
Improving traffic flow in Utah with a streamlined process
Colorado implemented two new tools in Glenwood Canyon in 2022 to help blunt the effect of mudslides on Interstate 70. The measures amount to a series of “bathtubs” and water-diversion structures, Colorado Department of Transportation officials told The Denver Post. The tubs are basins that will be dug at high-risk spots to catch small slides before they hit the highway.
Sustainable transportation

Defining Safety and Resilience for the Future

April 1, 2024
How transportation owners can safeguard infrastructure in the face of climate change's reality and win

Digital Design and Safety

April 1, 2024
The Floyd Hill project promises to improve Colorado’s Interstate 70

More content from April 2024

Sustainable transportation

Where the Microplastics Meet the Road

April 1, 2024
How the highway industry can find a solution to this pollution problem
Road Maintenance

Wheel Rut Headache

April 1, 2024
Caltrans repairs I-80 after tire chains damage concrete

The Road Safety Crisis

April 1, 2024
How GIS can help America achieve Vision Zero’s goals

Coordinate and Adapt

April 1, 2024
A new approach to ramp metering could improve traffic management
Road Construction

Fast Times in Utah

April 1, 2024
The West Davis Highway project delivered relief to a corridor ahead of schedule

Save the Manuals

We would probably be safer if everyone drove stick

A Tight Spot

April 1, 2024
Workers use GNSS to stay safe in Idaho