TC3 has recently bolstered its curriculum with two new AASHTO-designation courses:
- T 209: Standard Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
- T 283: Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage
To improve the quality of highway construction, maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, each state must ensure that appropriate and superior highway materials are incorporated into the finished highway infrastructure element. Improving the quality of roads and highways begins at the training level, and it is TC3’s goal to offer training to achieve this goal. This means that qualified technicians involved in the processes of sampling and testing must be able to maintain their proficiencies and certification with applicable test methods—which have been incorporated into these trainings.
T 209: Standard Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) covers the determination of the theoretical maximum specific gravity/gravity mix maximum and density of uncompacted HMA at 25°C (77°F). This course, recommended for 2 professional development hours (PDHs), explains and demonstrates how to perform this standard method test, including all the steps to prepare for, conduct, and report the findings of this test.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain why this test is used;
- List the equipment needed to run this test and describe preparation steps;
- Describe how the flasks, bowls and pycnometers are standardized;
- Explain how samples are prepared;
- Describe how the theoretical maximum gravity test is performed;
- Calculate the theoretical maximum gravity of the specimen;
- Describe the supplemental procedure on porous aggregates;
- List what is documented in the gravity and density report; and
- Explain how to correct for different temperatures.
T 283: Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage covers the preparation of specimens and the measurement of the change in tensile strength resulting from the effects of water saturation and accelerated water conditioning, with a freeze-thaw cycle, of compacted asphalt mixtures. This course, recommended for 2 PDHs, explains and demonstrates how to perform this standard method test, including all the steps to prepare for, conduct and report the findings of this test.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain why this test is used;
- List the equipment needed to run this test and describe preparation steps;
- Describe how specimens are prepared in the laboratory and field;
- Describe how the dry and conditioned specimens are preconditioned for testing;
- Explain how the indirect tensile strength is determined for the specimens;
- Calculate the tensile strength for each specimen; and
- List what is documented in the compaction report.
Training subscriptions
TC3 launched an enhancement that made more than 90% of the curriculum eligible for PDHs. When a trainee takes a PDH-eligible course, the training hours can contribute toward continuing education for licensure renewal.
TC3 now offers prepaid training subscriptions, available for purchase through the TC3 Training Store. These subscription options allow organizations to purchase TC3 training courses at discounted prepaid rates for their employees or members, which results in cost savings on training. Available options include annual unlimited courses per user and bulk-hour pricing.
AASHTO member states that financially contribute to TC3 as a technical service program already have unlimited TC3 training available for all employees and do not require a subscription.
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