July 2004


Special Attention

July 20, 2004
Pavement markings provide important information to drivers. Unlike traffic signs and signals, pavement markings are continuous and provide drivers with valuable information that...

Brooklyn's Memorable Season

July 20, 2004
Happiness for a bridge builder in a metropolitan area with chronic traffic congestion is a new bridge that will last a century, require no more than routine inspection during ...

Drive on a Diet

July 20, 2004
Increased traffic volumes on four-lane undivided roadways degrade service and safety. In cities throughout the world, roadways have been put on “road diets,” and these improvements...
Bridge Construction

High Above the Valley

July 20, 2004
Mingo Creek Viaduct owes its existence, in a sense, to problems caused by coal mining in western Pennsylvania. The original alignment for the stretch of the Mon-Fayette Expressway...
Infrastructure Security

A Luke-Warm Embrace

July 20, 2004
There’s a big gap between recently developed, commercially ready technology and its widespread use, or adoption, in the public sector-especially with those who are responsible...

More content from July 2004

Winter Maintenance

Heavy accumulation

July 20, 2004
To mitigate the effects of winter weather on the nation’s roadways, transportation professionals increasingly are turning to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and other...
Road Design

Community access-design

July 20, 2004
Traditionally, roadway design has solely been a function of engineering. The focus was to build a roadway that allowed vehicles and pedestrians to safely get from point A to point...
Asphalt Paving

States achieve recycling success

June 16, 2004
For states across the country, the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is cutting down on the amount of solid waste ending up in landfills and saving transportation agencies...