TC3 offers more than 100 web-based training (WBT) courses, with additional courses planned as needs are identified. Here is what has been updated in May 2016.
Drilled Shaft Inspector Tutorial
This four-hour course provides training on the fundamental concepts of construction for those involved in the inspection of drilled shafts. This training includes the following topics related to drilled shafts: foundations, drilled shaft types, methods of construction, construction equipment and tools. This training has been updated to include new photos and more up-to-date information around drilled shafts.
Pile Driving Inspector Tutorial
This four-hour training is designed to help participants prepare for the Pile Driving Inspector's Qualification Test. From the pile-driving system to the inspector's role and responsibilities, its information is presented in a tutorial that will provide users with the knowledge and tools to complete the qualification process. This training has been updated with the assistance of expert subject matter experts to include new photos and more up-to-date information around drilled shafts.
TC3 brings users new and updated online courses in the focuses of construction, maintenance and materials. Its mission is to develop, maintain and provide access to quality training to enhance the competency of the nation’s transportation technical workforce.