The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) wants to partner with private businesses to complete and sustain the city’s rail system.
More than a decade ago, Honolulu’s elevated fixed guideway rail system was estimated to cost $4.6 billion. Today, that price tag has nearly doubled, and HART is considering a public-private partnership (P3) to complete the final City Center segment.
HART is also considering awarding a 20-year contract for operations and maintenance of the entire rail system, once it is completed. That would require the new contractor to assume full responsibility of the entire system—the guideway, track and rail cars.
Key incentives for the private developer in the P3 model would be the estimated $97 million in transit-oriented development revenue and $141 million of other potential income from HART-acquired properties.
The last 4.1-mile, eight-station City Center Segment from Middle Street to Ala Moana Center is expected to cost $1.6 billion and break ground next year in order for the system to be fully operational by December 2025.
Source: Hawaii Public Radio