A new mobile app allows cellphone users to report suspicious behavior or other concerns directly to the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS). The launch of the “See Something, Say Something” app is a move by CATS to plug into the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s synonymous national campaign, which began in 2010.
Homeland Security’s goal through See Something, Say Something is to prevent terrorism and related crimes. With the mobile app by Elerts Corp., bus and transit riders in Charlotte can submit reports of suspicious or criminal activity to transit police.
The app can be used to send photos, video, text and GPS maps pinpointing the location of a potential problem, according to an announcement from CATS.
Members of the community are asked to report unattended packages, odd or unusual behavior, disorderly conduct, smoke, or unfamiliar odors or substances. Those reports are most helpful when they include details about who was involved and what was seen, as well as when and where a suspicious incident occurred.
“Through the use of this mobile app, riders can have a bigger hand in helping our public transit system operate as safely as possible,” said CATS CEO John Lewis.