TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: ODOT proposes $11 million ‘superstreet’ project

Jan. 6, 2016

ODOT says superstreet plan would improve safety, traffic flow in Greene County

Preliminary plans for an $11 million “superstreet” project along U.S. Route 35 in Greene County, Ohio, are underway. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) says the measure would be a less costly alternative to the initial $120 million highway redesign project planned for the area.

Superstreets prevent drivers from turning left or traveling straight ahead from side streets through an intersection with a larger road. Instead, drivers must turn right and travel a short distance before making a U-turn to access those roads.

The redesign reduces the amount of time it takes to get through intersections and side streets, according to ODOT Environmental Engineer Keith Smith. Additionally, the intersection is able to handle a higher volume of traffic.  

With the proposed new superstreet redesign, drivers traveling north on Factory Road or Orchard Lane would not be able to turn left on Route 35. They would turn right and drive a short distance before making a U-turn on Route 35 to travel west or to continue on Factory Road or Orchard Lane.