The number of crashes on coastal road A719 in Ayrshire County, Scotland, has dropped to zero since deployment of new solar-powered LED road reflectors in July. It is the first deployment of the technology in the United Kingdom.
Rennicks U.K. is the manufacturer of the SR-15 Active Road Studs, which offer improved delineation of the roadway, particularly at curves. A pair of bi-directional LEDs are in each stud, which are both solar-charged and battery-operated. The bi-directional LEDs highlight both the vertical and horizontal geometry of the roadway, which improves visibility of the centerline and the edges of the roadway. A rumble effect alerts drivers who pass over the studs and into the opposite travel lane.
The test deployment on A719 consisted of 180 SR-15 studs. This particular portion of the road was chosen due to the high number of accidents—four in the last three years—that have occurred. The roadway is mostly straight but does feature several sharp curves. In the three months since deployment, the number of accidents has dropped to zero.
While feedback from residents has been largely positive, no further installations are planned at this time.