A San Francisco transportation task force estimates that the city will require $10.1 billion through 2030 to maintain and improve its public transportation system. Approximately 54% of the budget would go toward maintenance, 32% on enhancing existing systems and 14% on expansion projects such as extending Caltrain and speeding up Muni buses.
The Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) estimated that its 15-year revenue would total $3.8 billion and would help cover the cost. The revenue alone, however, leaves the city $6.3 billion short. To close the budget gap, the task force suggested adding three ballot measures that could raise around $1 billion each:
- A $500 million general obligation bond in 2014 and another in 2024
- Raising the vehicle licensing fee from 0.65% to 2%
- Raising sales tax from 8.75% to 9.25%
The bonds will require a two-thirds majority vote for implementation.
A rival amendment would provide the Board of Supervisors more authority over the Muni budget as well as provide free service to youth and the underprivileged.