COMPLETE STREETS: Caltrans takes high honors for complete streets program

Sept. 27, 2012

Caltrans’ complete streets policy has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading examples of safe, smart transportation policy according to a new nationwide analysis conducted by the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC).


Caltrans ranked third among the top-scoring policies nationwide in NCSC’s 2011 annual report, which analyzed more than 350 complete streets policies adopted by states, regions, counties, and communities before Jan. 1, 2012.


Caltrans’ complete streets policy has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading examples of safe, smart transportation policy according to a new nationwide analysis conducted by the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC).

Caltrans ranked third among the top-scoring policies nationwide in NCSC’s 2011 annual report, which analyzed more than 350 complete streets policies adopted by states, regions, counties, and communities before Jan. 1, 2012.

“This recognition shows the priority Caltrans places on increasing safety and mobility for all travelers, and our support for bicycles, pedestrians, and transit as important elements of our transportation system,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty.

The NCSC report highlights California’s policy as being especially strong in the areas of accommodating all users and modes of transportation and the implementation of the policy.

“There’s a growing understanding across the country that streets are something more than just a way to get from Point A to Point B in a car,” said NCSC Director Roger Millar. “It’s a recognition that Caltrans is dedicated to making streets safer and more open to everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, ethnicity or mode of travel.”

Some of the notable Caltrans complete streets projects statewide include:

  • Lake Tahoe: The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency gave a complete streets project their 2011 "Best in the Basin” award. The project on S.R. 28 constructed 9 miles of bike lanes from Tahoe City to Kings Beach and replaced passing lanes with a two-way-left-turn lane in most of the Tahoe Vista area. This has reduced speeds and provided room for pedestrians to safely walk along the highway.
  • San Diego: The I-5 Genesee Avenue Interchange Project constructed 3 miles of bicycle paths, replaced the existing overcrossing at Genesee Avenue with an improved bridge that accommodates additional vehicle lanes, sidewalks, and bicycle routes that link to transportation, employment centers, hospitals and the University of California, San Diego.
  • Redding: Located on S.R. 44 in Redding, the Dana to Downtown Project constructed a new ramp from Dana Drive to westbound S.R. 44, making it much easier for motorists to access downtown businesses, restaurants, schools, and the Shasta Regional Medical Center. A new pedestrian/bicycle path also now connects the Dana/Hilltop area to Turtle Bay and the city's popular River Trail. 
  • Southern California: A new 3-mile bikeway was built in 2011 along S.R. 1 (Pacific Coast Highway), and the completion of this project created a continuous bikeway from Orange County to Long Beach and has further enhanced safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Fresno: Curb ramps that meet standards set in the Americans with Disabilities Act were constructed at various locations in the city of Fresno from Central Avenue to McKinley Avenue.
  • Bay Area: A new pedestrian crossing (where previously prohibited) was built in Daly City on S.R. 82 (El Camino Real) across El Camino Real to connect to a new transit plaza at John Daly Boulevard and a nearby transit station; installed aesthetic crosswalk treatments at the El Camino/John Daly intersection; provided high-visibility crosswalks along El Camino Real.

For more information about Caltrans’ Complete Streets program, please visit:

Information on the National Coalition’s report can be found at this link:

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