ITS: Caltrans completes smart corridors on S.R. 12, I-5
Oct. 8, 2013
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has completed smart corridors on S.R. 12 and I-5 in Solano, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties, installing intelligent transportation system (ITS) components along both roadways.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has completed smart corridors on S.R. 12 and I-5 in Solano, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties, installing intelligent transportation system (ITS) components along both roadways.
Caltrans installed five electronic message signs and four closed-circuit television cameras across the two corridors. Drivers will be able to view streaming video from the cameras online to check traffic conditions at any given moment.
Also as part of the project, the park and ride lot at S.R. 12/Thornton Road was expanded, and a series of key intersections were improved for traffic flow and safety conditions.
The cameras and electronic message signs were the final pieces of efforts ongoing since 2007 to improve traffic flow on S.R. 12. Other measures included removal of select passing areas on the two-lane highway, radar speed signs and rumble strips. Total project cost came to $21 million.
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