States and regions that have not implemented 511 travel-information programs are encouraged to take advantage of legislation included in the latest surface transportation authorizing legislation to help them reach the goal of having an interoperable nationwide system by Sept. 30, 2010.
President George W. Bush signed the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users on Aug.10, last year. The law included the goal of "ensuring that a national, interoperable 511 system, along with a national traffic-information system that includes a user-friendly, comprehensive website, is fully implemented for use by travelers throughout the U.S. by Sept. 30, 2010."
To assist states and regions with their 511 programs, the 511 Deployment Coalition will hold the National 511 Conference: 511...Where Travel Starts, July 17-19, in San Diego at the Westin Horton Plaza hotel.
Hotel rooms may be reserved by calling 800/WESTIN1 or 619/239-2200. Mention AASHTO to get the group rate before the reservation cut off date of June 16, 2006. More information and updates will be available by visiting the group's website,