The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee recently approved legislation that would provide a six-month extension of the deadline for the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission to issue a final report.
The commission was established in last year's SAFETEA-LU authorization legislation to provide recommendations about the future of the federal-aid highway program and revenue options for meeting future needs. The extension provision, which was part of a SAFETEA-LU technical corrections bill, also would provide an additional $2 million to fund the work of the commission.
SAFETEA-LU originally called for the commission to complete its work by July 1, 2007. However, appointments were slow, making the limited time given that much shorter. A SAFETEA-LU technical corrections bill passed by the House earlier this year did not include this provision.
The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) contacted the Senate in support of the extension and additional funding believing that the recommendations coming from the commission will be a vital foundation for the next transportation reauthorization bill and the future of the federal-aid highway program.
Steve Heminger, Executive Director of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission and a member of the National Commission will address the Highway and Transportation Division on Sept. 30 during AGC's 2006 Midyear Meeting in San Francisco.