New York’s Southern Tier will receive upwards of $305 million in highway and bridge funding in 2009-10, Gov. David Paterson announced April 8 during a stop in Tioga County.
Eighty-nine million dollars in federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding will be supplemented with state funding. The DOT will award $166 million in highway and bridge contracts in 2010, and the Southern Tier will receive about $50 million in Consolidated Highway Improvement Program funding, Paterson said.
The money will help to create an estimated 2,136 jobs for a variety of transportation and infrastructure improvement projects.
"We're going to resurface roads and highways, we're going to repair bridges and we're going to update the infrastructure of many of our towns and villages right in this region," Paterson said.
"We're going to need construction workers, surveyors, engineers, truck drivers—all kinds of jobs are going to becoming available at this time with this amount of resource."
Stipulations for the projects are that they have to be shovel-ready to start this June and must be completed with three years. Projects were chosen based on expert recommendations.
Paterson recently certified $24.3 million in projects, comprising $19.3 million in stimulus funding and $5 million in state funding. They include:
Replacing the I-86 bridge over Route 415 in the village of Painted Post using $5.3 million in stimulus funding;
Replacing the Route 415 bridge over Wolf Run Creek in the town of Campbell;
Repairing culverts in various locations in the towns of Urbana and Pulteney, using $1 million of stimulus funding; and
Washing bridges and sealing bridge decks at various locations in Steuben and Allegany counties using $800,000 in stimulus funding.