The next World of Asphalt Show and Conference will be held March 19-22, 2007 at the Georgia International Convention Center in Atlanta.
World of Asphalt is the only industry-focused event targeting the business and professional-development needs of asphalt, highway and maintenance professionals from companies large and small. The event features exhibits of the latest asphalt-related equipment, products and services as well as extensive educational programming and plenty of opportunities for networking.
World of Asphalt 2007 will feature two leading industry conferences: the People, Plants and Paving Training Program and the Asphalt Pavement Alliance’s Asphalt Pavement Conference.
To extend the learning opportunities of World of Asphalt 2007, a special feature will be a private tour of the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT). NCAT works to improve hot-mix asphalt performance through research, education and information services. Emphasis is on research that can be readily applied by industry and by state and federal governments.
Show organizers expect the 2007 World of Asphalt to be even better than the record-breaking 2006 event, which featured more than 4,000 attendees and more than 68,000 net sq ft of exhibits, and had the support of more than 25 domestic and international industry organizations as well as government groups at the country, state and national level.
“Our growth underscores the show’s importance as a one-stop buying and education destination for the asphalt industry,” said World of Asphalt Show Manager Melissa Magestro.