The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) is applauding the U.S. Senate's action to approve a Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill that will enhance the President's ability to negotiate international trade agreements.
As the international trade and business development resource for companies that manufacture equipment, products and services used worldwide in the construction, agricultural, industrial, mining, forestry, materials-handling and utility industries, AEM is a longtime supporter of free trade. Approval of TPA was identified as a top legislative priority by the association's board.
For over a century, AEM members have had equitable access to all markets around the globe as a high priority issue. U.S.-based manufacturers will gain ground in advancing their trade interests when the President receives fast-track authority, according to AEM Co-President Emmett Barker. "Many jobs are still dependent on Congress developing a good conference report," he stated.
Because of the importance of export opportunities for its members, AEM urges Congress to make TPA legislation a priority, moving it through conference and presenting it to the President for enactment in a timely manner.
"The Senate's approval of TPA is a critical step in sending a bill to the President to help boost the recovery of the American and global economies and reaffirm our nation's role in international trade discussions," state AEM Co-President Dennis Slater.