At a recent South Dakota Transportation Commission meeting, secretary of the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), Joel Jundt announced the agency’s plan to help maintain, repair, and reconstruct roads and bridges throughout the state.
To do this, the agency will allocate more than $33 million to 18 cities with populations greater than 5,000 as well as 66 counties in 2023.
Jundt acknowledged that State departments of transportation are an integral part of funding to cities, towns, municipalities, and local governments across the U.S. in a statement about the SDDOT plan.
“A safe and efficient transportation system is fundamental to our state’s economy and success,” Jundt explained.
“Although there is not a law requiring allocation of state highway funds to local governmental entities, the Commission has consistently recognized the interconnection of transportation systems, regardless of ownership, and the need for local control of investments. These state funds provide funding flexibility and help our local partners to maintain and enhance their local transportation systems, especially with the harshness of this past winter.”
The secretary said $27.4 million of the total $33 million will be provided directly to the counties and cities while the remaining balance can be used as reimbursement for federal aid projects at local governments’ discretion.
Source: AASHTO