Despite an investment of $25.3 million in 2015 by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Washington D.C., continues to receive low marks for its infrastructure system.
A report card to be released by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gives D.C. a C-minus, or just above failing, with the lowest marks going to its transportation system.
According to some government agencies, $25.3 million in infrastructure investments just won’t cut it. A report last year by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, said the region needs $58 billion in funding (a $424.5 billion funding gap) over then next 15 years to improve its transportation, utility, safety and energy infrastructure.
It wasn’t all bad news, however. The ASCE report was broken down into 11 categories, and some fared well in the grading system.
The District’s 265 bridges and city rail system received a B-minus in ASCE report. However, D.C.’s transit system ranked lowest in the nation, scoring a D.