I'm jealous of what people have in Iraq.
Over there the U.S. is helping them restore life, which includes the building and reconstruction of roads and bridges.
I'm envious of the attention the current administration is giving to any foreign country. Is it going to take another terrorist attack in our states for our leaders to blow the dust off the domestic policy, assuming there is one? Wait, that may only lead to more Osama delirium overseas.
Like most Americans, I want to know why our economy continues to huff and puff at a tiresome pace. I want to know why port cities like San Diego have received little in terms of Homeland Security funding, money that was promised to them immediately following 9-11. Like most highway and bridge workers, I want to know why the reauthorization of TEA-21 is trying to fight its way out of this political abyss of stagnancy.
Federal funding for highway and bridge construction will cease at the end of this month. The Federal Highway Administration also will cease to exist. And unlike previous years, the FHWA itself will have only $13 million of carryover administrative contract authority on Oct. 1. The amount will cover about three weeks of basic administrative expenses, meaning payroll but not contract services or rent.
The work stoppage is due to a change made by TEA-21 in the Internal Revenue Code. It states FHWA "cannot approve any new projects or allow the states to incur any other new obligations, including carryover contract authority after Sept. 30. Further, FHWA will not be able to carry on operations to reimburse states for expenses incurred against existing obligations because FHWA itself cannot obligate carryover contract authority for administrative expenses after Sept. 30."
Three legislative remedies are needed to throw FHWA back into agency population:
* Title 26 of TEA-21 must be amended or a revenue bill enacted to allow expenditures from the Highway Trust Fund for liquidation of new obligations by states and by FHWA incurred after Sept. 30, 2003;
* New amounts of sufficient contract authority or budget authority must be provided for administrative expenses to allow the FHWA to continue to administer the federal aid program; and
* An appropriations act or continuing resolution would be required to make liquidating cash available from the Highway Trust Fund.
Congress has known about this new TEA-21 provision for, what, six years? In fairness, what it didn't know was how the economy--and terrorists--would behave during the infancy of the new century. Still, this nation received a spanking two years ago. With no hint of an increase in taxes, those in the Senate and House had to be expecting a crib full of crying departments in need of feeding.
Three reauthorization deals are on the table, which means we are three eons away from passing a new funding bill. I appreciate those who are trying with all of their might to tie any loose ends of a particular package. However, the delivery man is waiting.
Congress is traditionally late when it comes to finalizing anything of substance, often times resorting to a scab bill just to keep some type of money moving.
But those who think a six-month or one-year measure will help here may be swimming in too much optimism. This country is living dangerously when they place DOTs in a state of apprehension. An unstable future is much like an unstable bridge. Few are willing to risk a plunge, meaning less will plan for big-ticket road and bridge construction items.
In the first half of 2003, new orders for construction machinery totaled $10.6 billion, nearly 8% of total machinery orders. Manufacturers' orders for construction materials and supplies of all types topped $211 billion, almost 11% of all booked orders.
If the U.S. economy is to receive a new pair of long-distance running shoes, those in power must step in and rescue one of its prized industries. One thing is certain, road and bridge aid will continue in Iraq come Oct. 1--free of debate and without feeble extensions.