Four years after crews broke ground on the St. Croix Crossing Bridge, the final touches for the massive project are finally underway.
During the month of May, crews with the Minnesota Department of Transportation began work on finishing the driving and walking surfaces of the bridge, as well as chip sealing the bridge deck. Road crews also added curb, gutter and sidewalk systems and median barriers. The bridge, which will connect Oak Park Heights, Minn., and St. Joseph, Wis., also will be painted with a tan color reflective of the bluffs on the east bank of the St. Croix River.
During June, crews will work on completing the electrical systems within the bridge, including the lighting systems, as well as storm-water drainage systems for the bridge. Restoration work will continue into July and beyond, and construction equipment will be removed. Crews are expected to paint the lane markings on the bridge during July.
Most on-bridge work is not expected to be finished by August; no official opening date has been determined for the crossing.