The Jones Branch Connector over I-495 project in Fairfax County, Va., is not much to look at in terms of size—but its importance to the area is immense. The booming population in the Tysons area needs improved infrastructure, and the Jones Branch Connector—when complete in November 2019—will provide an important new link to S.R. 123 over the Capital Beltway (I-495). The road is expected to carry more than 32,000 vehicles per day by 2040. Crews are getting ready for an interim milestone due on Dec. 12, when at least one full lane of traffic in each direction will be open. The existing Jones Branch Connector is still waitiing to be widened to accommodate four total lanes of traffic, a center median, two 5-ft-wide bike lanes and two 12-ft-wide sidewalks through the entire corridor. The new bridge over the I-495 Express Lanes is complete.