Today, U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters announced that 17 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and four territories will receive more than $109 million under a federal program to encourage and enforce seat belt use.
“Having a strong seat belt law is crucial to saving lives,” Secretary Peters said. “Every time you get into a vehicle you should buckle up. It’s that simple.”
Congress established an incentive grants program in 2005 to encourage states to enact and enforce laws requiring the use of seat belts in passenger motor vehicles. The 16 states receiving these grants had enacted and are enforcing a primary belt law before December 31, 2002. This year Indiana amended its primary belt law to include all vehicles and is receiving over $15 million. In May of this year Kentucky received over $11 million for its recently passed primary belt law.
“Where these laws are in place, they work,” Peters said. “When more people buckle up, fewer lives are lost.”
Under the program states may use these grant funds for any highway safety purpose either for behavioral programs or for infrastructure. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the four territories are eligible to receive grants under this program. The Department of Transportation is authorized to provide these grants to the states under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users in 2005, (SAFETEA-LU) Section 406, Safety Belt Performance Grants.
“These grants provide states and territories funding for increasing seat belt use and enforcement, which will ultimately help save lives,” Peters said.
A primary belt law allows a law enforcement officer to stop a vehicle and issue a citation when the officer observes an unbelted driver or front seat passenger. Secondary enforcement means that a citation for not wearing a seat belt can only be issued after the officer stops the vehicle for another infraction.
Below is the list of all the states and the funding amounts they will receive.
Alabama: $3,427,509
California: $19,359,902
Connecticut: $1,994,790
District Of Columbia: $1,006,955
Hawaii: $1,006,955
Indiana: $15,738,565
Iowa: $2,883,916
Louisiana: $3,026,798
Maryland: $3,079,145
Michigan: $6,566,038
New Jersey: $4,738,896
New Mexico: $1,662,411
New York: $11,071,887
North Carolina: $5,348,910
Oklahoma: $3,142,500
Oregon: $2,565,005
Puerto Rico: $2,127,249
Texas: $14,330,547
Washington: $4,001,383
American Samoa: $503,477
Guam: $503,477
N. Marianas: $503,477
Virgin Islands: $503,477