By: Tim Gregorski
Sign inventorySign inventory
SignCAD Systems Inc., Minnetonka, Minn., introduced its new product SignTRACK, a complete sign inventory software program. The software streamlines sign inventory management from automated data entry to efficient tracking of inspections, work orders and sign replacement.
SignTRACK keeps information about each sign—work order history, field reports, multiple images, design drawing and manufacturing data, costs, condition and location. It manages records, verifies data integrity and maintains security levels with multiple simultaneous users. Additionally, it can generate reports for an instant history or analysis of inventory by sign, roadway or district and built-in reports can be customized or new reports can be defined.
FHWA-based softwareThe Asphalt Pavement Alliance, an industry coalition of the National Asphalt Pavement Association, Asphalt Institute and State Asphalt Pavement Associations, released version 1.0 of a new Life Cycle Cost Analysis program, which is based on the Federal Highway Administration Publication FHWA-SA-98-079, "Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design." This stand-alone program can either be used to calculate life-cycle cost using deterministic or probabilistic procedures.
One of the major benefits of the program is an easy-to-use module for calculating user delay costs, which can be difficult. With this program, the user only needs to input basic traffic data and the time the work zone is in place and the software calculates the user delay costs.
Additionally, the software offers a pop-up screen for determining work-zone hours. Users may input the number of hours the work-zone will be in effect and the program will determine the time where costs may be the lowest. This feature allows the user to accurately evaluate future maintenance and rehabilitation activities that may be conducted at off-peak hours.
New eCommerce siteVolvo Construction Equipment North America, Asheville, N.C., launched its new eCommerce website (www. The site features the company’s compact equipment line from the North American market. Eventually, it will be expanded to include all products—articulated haulers, motor graders, excavators and wheel loaders.
A virtual product walk-around is provided on the site for each model in the company’s compact wheel loader and excavator line. As the product model’s icon is opened, product information is provided including complete specifications.
The site also includes a product configuration platform where a user can actually build on the screen the Volvo equipment needed for specific job applications, receive the suggested retail price and request a quotation from a local dealer. The site allows instant communications with dealer technicians when needed.
Avoid crane collisionsDesigned for cranes and other mobile construction equipment, the N@vigator 2000 system from France’s SK Group uses artificial intelligence and Internet technology to protect the equipment from on-site collisions. If an unsafe condition is imminent (i.e., an overlap between the safety envelope of the crane and that of any other object in the environment), the system immediately alerts the crane operator and off-site monitor and can automatically take corrective action.
Using an on-board computer integrated with a compact radar system and other sensors, the system establishes a dynamic safety envelope for the crane in relation to other moving and stationary equipment and objects in the area. It continually factors in positions, speeds, weight and inertia, plus wind speed and direction and other relevant data. The resulting situational profile is communicated to the operator in real-time via a multimedia display and monitored off-site on one or multiple computers via wireless data transmissions over the Internet.
Paperless plansDallas-based Vertigraph Inc. has released BidScreen XL, which is designed for estimators and quantity surveyors seeking an easy-to-use takeoff tool for paperless, electronic plans while working in Microsoft Excel.
It is an add-in application that lets the user view, pan and zoom a variety of electronic drawing files while measuring and color coding areas, lengths and count items in Excel. After identifying the drawing file, users can click on an Excel cell and electronically identify and measure items quickly. The quantity measurement is recorded into the Excel cell and the digitized drawing also is saved with the cell.