Information and clarification of these changes can be obtained at the 41st
Annual Convention of the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), February
24p;29, 1996 at the Marriott Rivercenter and Riverwalk hotels, San Antonio.
The focus for this event will be Paving the Way to New Horizons, New Opportunities.
Three days of preliminary programs featuring committee and task force meetings
will be followed by five days of informational sessions and workshops. Representatives
from the hot-mix industry, federal and state transportation agencies, refining
and aggregate industries and private consulting firms will headline the
sessions, providing valuable info- rmation in a practical manner for the
Robert Mayer Evans, futurist and former news correspondent, will speak at
the general opening session, about the coming changes that will impact the
world as the 21st Century approaches. later that morning, a panel of agency
officials and contractors from Wisconsin and Maryland will examine criteria-based
contracts, and experts from Texas and Washington, D.C., will address regulatory
issues that affect your business.
Other sessions will continue through the length of the convention. What's
Ahead for the Hot-Mix Mix will cover such things as changes in supply and
quality of both asphalt cement and aggregates. The impact of new Superpave
specifications, effects of recycling and environmental regulations will
also be covered.
Another session entitled Legal Times features Cordell M. Parvin of Parvin,
Wilson and Barnett, P.C. and contributing editor of ROADS & BRIDGES
(see LAW 2/96), speaking about the latest legal issues facing the HMA industry.
He will discuss the fallout from the recent Supreme Court decision on quotas
and goals as well as teach participants to develop strategies that make
the Alternate Dispute Resolution work for you.
Asphalt Cement: Its Place in the Global Refining Picture is concerned with
the changes in supply and quality of crude oil, increased conversion of
heavy petroleum feedstocks into lighter petroleum fractions such as gasoline,
and a growing demand for residual fuels for energy generation in emerging
economies and how these changes will affect the quality and supply of asphalt
Quality People:Your Key to Business Success will help you face the challenge
of today's rapidly changing workforce. This session will provide innovative
ways to recruit, select and retain quality people in your organization.
Media Basics will instruct you on the basics of how to effectively manage
an interview and communicate what you want the world to know about your
company. Other sessions covering regulatory reform and customer service
will also be featured.
Social events will also be offered, including a welcoming reception on Sunday evening and a Texas style barbecue held at a nearby ranch.