Transportation Management

Multimodal intersection and road reconstruction in Boston modernizes a historically transit-oriented community

July 7, 2021
This feature published as "A People-First Approach" in July/August 2021 issue
Sustainable transportation

Caltrans awards funding for future sustainable transportation projects

July 6, 2021
Department awarded $34 million to improve the state’s transportation network
DelDOT bike-ped trail
Roadway Design

Delaware DOT opens bicycle, pedestrian pathway in City of Rehoboth Beach

June 25, 2021
The project included the connection of a 10-ft-wide asphalt trail and the development of a two-way buffered bicycle lane

Senators introduce bipartisan Rebuilding Stronger Infrastructure Act

April 26, 2021
The goal of the legislation is to ensure that resilience improvements are eligible for federal funding
Road Traffic Safety

Maryland shares context-driven strategy to promote safety, mobility

March 10, 2021
Web resource aims to improve multimodal access for communities across Maryland